New Member Information


Cub Scouts Pack #33 is a fantastic organization where kids can learn about the great outdoors, go on adventures, and learn new skills.  It's also a wonderful group where elementary kids can grow current friendships and meet new friends  If you are interested in joining our Pack, please click on the button below to fill out the online application.  We look forward to hearing from you!

Welcome to Cub Scouts Pack #33

The Swenke Cub Scouts Pack #33 is excited that you and your child have decided or are thinking about joining our Pack!  Get ready for awesome adventures and team-building events!  On this page, you will find all the information you will need to help guide you and your scout on your journey into Cub Scouts.  The drop-down section provides explanations for the accompanying files at the bottom of this page.  If you have any questions, please feel free to email our New Member Coordinator at 

New Member Information


Welcome to Pack #33!!  The Cub Scouts Pack #33 Flyer below is a summary of Pack #33.  It lists important events, dues, uniforms, etc. This is a great start to learn more about our Pack. 


Uniforms and Handbook Purchase

You may have already received uniform ordering information from BSA.  In case you need additional information, we have put together an overview of each rank's uniform: Uniforms and Handbooks (see below).  If you have any questions about the uniform, please reach out to   Just click on the Rank your scout is in to go to the ordering page.  You can also stop by one of the BSA stores in Houston to buy your uniform.  

Scout Shops in Houston and surrounding areas: 

Advancement Trail

The Advancement Trail is a set of Adventures that each Scout needs to complete for each rank.  You can learn more about the Cub Scout Advancement Trail by using the link below.  Here is a brief intro about the Advancement Trail

“On the advancement trail, a Cub Scout progresses towards a badge of rank based on their grade. They need not have earned the previous rank in order to earn the next.  Each of the ranks in Cub Scouting has its own requirements that are age-appropriate, so earning a rank below a Cub Scout’s current grade is not permitted. As a Cub Scout advances through the ranks, the requirements get more challenging, to match the new skills and abilities they have learned.”



To learn more about the Adventures for each rank, please view the info sheet below, "Required Adventures Chart by Rank".  Here is a brief intro about Adventures a Scout must complete based on their Rank on The Advancement Trail: 

“Cub Scouts earn Adventures that are specific to their grade and rank.  A number of Adventures must be completed to earn the badge of rank for each grade level. Adventures may be earned in any order.  Completion of adventures is how the aims of character, citizenship, leadership, and personal fitness are developed.”



There are also awards that can be earned throughout the year.  For example, there is a Popcorn award that can be earned during our Popcorn Fundraiser.  Here is a link that shows some of the awards that can be earned.  Keep in mind, that some may not be available for our council (Sam Houston Area Council), so if you are interested, please reach out to your Den Leader.

Uniform Patch Placement

If you are new to Cub Scouts, you are probably wondering where should I place all the patches, belt loops, etc. on my Scouts uniform.  Here is some information from the BSA Scout Shop and an article written by Cub Scout Ideas that goes into detail on where to place patches and insignia on the Cub Scout uniform (see links below).    

Scout Shop Information 

Cub Scout Ideas: “Ultimate Cub Scout Patch & Badge Placement Guide 2023” 

Pack Communications and Training


The best way our Pack communicates, announces events, etc. is through our FB page.  This page is for members of our Pack only.  After your application is approved, just send a request to join our Swenke Cub Scouts Pack #33 Facebook page, and you will be admitted to join.  Here is a link to our page:

FB Page:


Scoutbook is a great tool to keep track of your scout’s achievements and schedule events for our Pack. Below you will find an information flyer about Scoutbook.  This flyer should help you get familiar with your account.  You will receive an access to Scoutbook as soon as you join Scouts.  Our Pack uses this to schedule most of our events in addition to our website.  Scoutbook will send you a reminder a couple of days prior to any event we may have.  As stated above, this is how we keep track of every scout's achievements within our Pack.  Your Den Leader will update your scout’s achievement in Scoutbook, and then the Achievement Chair will order any patches or belt loops your Scout has earned.  

My.Scouting: is the BSA online tool to manage your account, training, your profile, and your scout’s profile.  Here is the link to signup for a account. 

YPT Training:

Within your new account, you will see a section for training.  YPT training is a requirement for our pack.  YPT (Youth Protection Training) is a training session (online) that should be taken by all parents and volunteers in the pack.  It’s important that we put the safety of all our scouts first.  Once you receive your training and pass, your certification will be good for 3 years.  Here is a link to the training module.  You will need to have a account before you can take YPT Training. If you have any questions, please reach out to the New Member Coordinator at pack33newmember@gmail.comPlease send training certificates to:

YPT Training:*108cqx6*_ga*MTM3MDg1Nzc2Ny4xNjg3OTUxMjkx*_ga_20G0JHESG4*MTY4ODMyMzM4NC40LjEuMTY4ODMyMzQ3Ni42MC4wLjA.&_ga=2.157710270.507000732.1688310268-1370857767.1687951291 

Pack Dues

Below you will find two documents that go over Pack #33 dues. The Pack Fees and Dues page goes over what is paid to Pack #33 and Boy Scouts of America (BSA).  Our Pack’s dues are based on the school year, and currently, BSA’s dues are based on the calendar year.  You probably noticed that when you submitted your application online the price is lower than what is listed on the attached sheet.  This is due to the BSA's dues being paid during the calendar year (dues are prorated)  However, starting August 2023, the BSA dues will be due upon the anniversary of your joining Cub Scouts.  For example, if you and your scout join in September 2023, your BSA dues will be due September 2024.

If you have already submitted your application online, you should have already paid for the BSA Annual Youth Registration & National Insurance Fee (annual) and the New Member Joining Fee (one-time) payment.  The Pack Fees and Dues sheet also goes over the total that is paid to the Pack.  You can pay the Pack Dues by using the Venmo information on the Pack Fees & Dues sheet.  If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to, and they will get you in touch with the treasurer.  

The second sheet, Pack Cost Guide lists out what the Pack Dues go towards.  There might be some small changes/variations each year, but this is mostly what dues pay for.  

Our Treasurer can also assist with purchasing B-class Pack shirts.  They are optional but recommended for each scout for our non-formal events. The shirts are priced at $14 each and can be purchased/worn by all members of the family.    

Calendar and Medical Forms


After you have signed up for Pack #33, make sure to access your Scoutbook account and join our Facebook page, so you can stay up-to-date with all of Pack#33 activities.  

In conjunction with Pack #33 activities, each Den will have their own activities as well.  Each Den has a Den Meeting once a month and is coordinated by the Den Leader.  Each Den Leader organizes their Den Meetings differently, so get in touch with your Den Leader to learn more about your Den's specific 2023-2024 schedule. 

Medical Forms

Whenever we have overnight activities, we need to submit a medical form to our Den Leader.  There is a copy of the medical form below.  You will need to submit one for each family member who attends the event even if they are not in Cub Scouts.  Please send medical forms to

Pack# 33 New Member Info Flyer

Uniforms and Handbooks Info Sheet.pdf

Uniforms and Handbooks

Required-Adventures-Chart-for-Ranks - Badges of Rank.pdf

Required Adventures Chart by Rank

Scoutbook Info Sheet.pdf

Scoutbook Information

2023-2024 Fees & Dues.pdf

Pack Fees and Dues

Pack 33 Co$t Guide (1).pdf

Pack Cost Guide

Medical Forms - Informed Consent, Release Agreement, and Authorization.pdf

Medical Forms